Back Pain

Who gets it?

People experience back pain for lots of different reasons. Common reasons include

  • a particular posture for extended periods of time (work or lifestyle).
  • Worry or stress can cause muscular tension. This can affect us mentally and prevent us doing our usual activities
  • Old injuries, wear and tear may lead to compensatory changes

Although it can be painful, it rarely has a serious underlying cause.

Seeing a qualified health professional, such as a chiropractor, can help treat back pain, and if required identify if further investigations is needed.

What is it?

Your spine is very strong. The bony vertebra are joined together by ’shock absorbing’ discs which help to maintain flexibility. Ligaments and muscles providing strong reinforcement.

The most common type of back pain is often described as ‘mechanical’ which typically involves muscles and joints.

Less common is when the nerves become irritated or compressed. This can lead to pain down the leg (sciatica), with or without pins and needles, tingling, numbness and weakness.

The body is amazing, and will usually get better over time. However, there are lots of things you can do to get better faster including treatment and exercises.

Back Pain tips

Movement: We all know that exercise is good for us and it is not just about the physical! Try to continue your daily activities wherever possible. Rest for long periods can often make the pain worse.

If not already, try to in cooperate activities such as regular walking, swimming, pilates and yoga. However, it is also important that what you do, you enjoy! This makes it easier to keep doing it

Start your day with a stretch: I personally love the child pose, cat and cow

Sleep well: Check your pillow and consider changing your mattress particularly if you are struggling with sleep or waking up in pain.

Practice stress relief: massage, mindfulness and meditation. Consider counselling or therapy where appropriate

Chiropractic and Back Pain. All Chiropractors in the UK are registered under the same regulated body. Although technique styles (high force and low force) may vary, training and clinical practice are all regulated by the same law, meet the same high standard of training and must work within strict professional and ethical boundaries.

Before starting treatment, a chiropractor will do a full assessment. This will include a full medical history and a physical examination. If necessary, you may be referred for further investigation (imaging, bloods, GP exam etc) before treatment. Your chiropractor will then explain what is wrong, what can be done and what you can expect from chiropractic treatment.