Innata and what does it mean?

Why the name Innata Chiropractic?

This is a question I get asked every now and again. I have been told there would be easier names to remember and say, but the reasons for choosing ‘Innata’, for me outweigh any of these.

I think the body is amazing and I have a lot of respect for it.

The first time I had a Chiropractic adjustment was in 2002. I was used as a ‘body’ for a case study in a student clinic. The technique used was the McTimoney technique. I was not aware of Chiropractic – had never seen a treatment or even had one. I did not get treated because I was in pain, nor did I have any medical concerns.

Following treatment: for starters it was so incredibly gentle, I was not really sure what, or if anything had been done, HOWEVER afterwards I felt amazing. Things that I hadn’t really noticed as ‘a problem’ had improved. Range of movement, flexibility and I just felt good.

I outline this story because the input from adjustment was incredibly small… the point is chiropractic utilises WHAT YOU ALREADY HAVE! Your body! Chiropractic aims to rebalance the body so that your nervous system/healing process functions more effectively.

This means that you have the power to change and improve already because you were born with it. This fact is important for lots of reasons regarding our health and making a choice about how we can take responsibility for it.

However, that is another topic. Back to Innata……

Innata (In-na-ta) is a play on the word Innate

The Cambridge English Dictionary definition of the word Innate is as follows: An innate quality or ability is one that you were born with, not one you have learned’.

This for me sums up Chiropractic. Working with the amazing human body and just enhancing naturally, what you already have.

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